Features, essays, fiction
How Having Cancer Prepared Me For the Pandemic, in the Globe & Mail
Counting Your Chickens, book review in the New York Times
Selfless Societies, essay in The Happy Reader
Baby You Can Drive My Car, article in the Globe & Mail
Rent-a-Bee, essay in Catapult
War on the Weather, essay in The Happy Reader
Smoke Signals, in The Happy Reader
What it Feels Like, interview with Sarah Anne Johnson
A Library of Texture, interview with Colleen Heslin
Between Loneliness and Imagination, essay in Hazlitt
Paris Syndrome: The Myth of the Myth of the City of Love, essay in Hazlitt
Scents of A City, essay for A Magazine
The Wild, short story for Double Dot
Empty The Jungle, news article in The New Statesman
Artists Draw Together in Paris Terror; Bookstore Offers Protection for its Tumbleweeds, essay in The National Post
Dispatch from Paris, in The Guardian
Living in the Rag & Bone Shop of the Heart, essay in VICE
The Inventor of the Doomsday Bomb, in The Happy Reader
The Power of a Wish: Meeting The Gilmore Girls, essay in VICE
What Posing Nude Taught Me About Mortality, essay in VICE
The New Occupation of Paris, essay and review in VICE
Solving the Perfect Murders of the Affaire Chevaline, co-reporting for GQ
Talking Myself to Sleep, essay and investigation for VICE
Extract of The Honey Farm, in Errratum
Preventing the Preventable: on Leukemia and Measles, in The Huffington Post
Three Dollars and a Photocopy: How I Published the First Story by Alice Munro, essay in BibliObs
Interview, in HTMLGiant
I was a reporter for France24 for a hot minute but that didn’t lead to much